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ancillotti motor cycles made in italy firenze dal 1905 gualtiero su moto strada stesino sport corsa 1960  60 cc.

The dean Gualtiero Ancillotti poses smiling in the photographer's lens while riding his latest creation, the Ancillotti 60 c.c. Velocità (Piazza del Carmine in the heart of the historic center of Florence in the San Frediano district, a few steps from the G. Ancillotti Workshop). It was 1965 and shortly the Ancillotti brand would be known and appreciated not only nationally but all over the world.

L’Ancillotti 60 c.c. Velocità being checked by the mechanic of the Ancillotti team, the engine and the chassis were of Beta derivation, its displacement was modified and brought to 60 c.c. as imposed by the regulation of the 60s for the Speed ​​category 60 c.c .. The engine was elaborated by G. Ancillotti.

Foto d'epoca moto Ancillotti
Foto d'epoca della moto Ancillotti stesino sport crsa 60 cc. ancillotti motorcycles made in italy firenze marchio storico brand fiorentino moto cross enduro competizione trial dal 1905 registro storico milano

A nice picture of the Ancillotti Velocità ​​60 c.c. cornering during a race. The driver of the Ancillotti team in the photo was Andrea Fornaro and with this motorcycle he ranked first at the Gattorna - Uscio and ranked fourth in the Doria-Creto.

An image of a brochure of the Ancillotti Velocità ​​60 cc developed by the Ancillotti team. Motorcycle of this particular model and displacement G. Ancillotti produced less than 10 specimens.

Particolare modello di moto Ancillotti velocità stesino sport corsa 1960 marchio storico made in italy firenze brand moto speed fiorentino dal 1905 via santa monaca 8 rosso
Prima moto da cross elabrata ancillotti motorcycles made in italy firenze modell 1966 marchio storico moto cross enduro competizione su type camoscio beta registro storico milano

Brochure of Beta Suede 50 c.c. from which derives the first Cross bike of Ancillotti House created by G. Ancillotti Elaborazioni Moto in the Mechanical Workshop on Via Santa Monaca in the ancient Florentine Quarter of San Frediano. It was created at the request of some private Florentine drivers after the records achieved by the Ancillotti with the Karts and Lambrettas in Monza and Elvington. These people asked G. Ancillotti to improve the performance of their off-road motorcycles, a trend among young people that was taking off in the late 60's.

Piero Ancillotti poses with the first cross bike made by the G. Ancillotti mechanical workshop in 1966.
The model derived from the Beta Camoscio. The first processed motorcycles belonged to private pilots, later, due to the success obtained and the many requests, G. Ancillotti decided for the next elaborations to purchase the chassis directly from the manufacturer, the Ronzani Company of Bologna. This was the beginning of the small production of G. Ancillotti Beta Croce di Camoscio 50 c.c with with a two-stroke engine, bore 38 mm, stroke mm 42, declared displacement 47.63 c.c, ignition flywheel magnet, primary transmission with gears and secondary transmission with chains, 4-speed speed change, rear tires 2,50 x 17, front tires 2 ¼ x 18 and 9 liters of tank capacity.

Foto d'epoca di Piero Ancillotti motor cross 1966 base camoscio beta elaborazioni officina ancillotti motorcycles marchio storico italiano since 1905 costruttori moto cross enduro competizione trial registro storico milano
Prima vera moto da cross Ancillotti motorcycles preparazione firenze 1966 brand storico fiorentino moto enduro competizione since 1906 base camoscio beta registro storico milano

Close look on what can be considered as the first Cross bike of the Ancillotti House built on the basis of Beta Camoscio by G. Ancillotti on Santa Monaca street, Florence. It was built on a Beta basis provided by private pilots; the engine was elaborated and the steering head was modified with reinforcements to insert the Ceriani fork of Gilera Giubileo and Gualtiero Ancillotti made quick releases on the front and rear hubs.

A copy of the first Ancillotti Moto Cross 50 c.c. of the G. Ancillotti Workshop of 1966. The model derived from the Beta Camoscio. These were the first attempts to approach this new sporting discipline, Motocross. The motorbike in the photo was faithfully reconstructed from the original through old photos from the Ancillotti Archive and with direct testimonies of the sons of Gualtiero Ancillotti, Piero and Alberto. The motorbike is part of Danilo Barbieri's Ancillotti Museum in Sambuca Val di Pesa.

moto cross ancillotti motorcycles made in italy firenze elaborazione type camoscio beta 1966 casa motociclistica fiorentina dal 1905
Joint Venture Ancillotti motorcycles made in italy firenze dal 1905 costruttori elaboratori moto cross enduro competizione lambretta kart harlei davidson telaio beta moto modello scarab 50 cc.rivenditore bergamo lombardia polini

In 1967, a modern joint venture was created by two Tuscan brands Ancillotti and Beta, the Ancillotti Gualtiero family and the engineer Bianchi owner of the Beta. Ancillotti, with the approval and help of Engineer Bianchi, presented their first motorbike at the Motorcycle Show in Milan in the stand dedicated to Beta motorcycles; it was a prototype of the Beta Camoscio in a racing version. The bike presented by Ancillotti was an elaboration of the Beta Chamois in a cross version, designed and built exclusively for competitions. The chassis and mechanics had been developed for competitive races with all the best components of that time. This is considered the first true off-road motorbike of the Ancillotti brand, a pre-series bike that gave to the Ancillotti family the notoriety they deserve. From the Milan Motorcycle Show onwards, Ancillotti motorcycles became the object of desire for all the boys of that time. Orders began to flock and the Polini Brothers Company was chosen by Ancillotti for the distribution network, first in Lombardy and then all over the national.

1972 was for Ancillotti an important year, moving from a dimension of regional excellence to a dimension of national excellence. The Polini brothers contributed with their important baggage made up of numerous experiences in the field of racing and the construction of special parts. They helped to raise the Ancillotti brand to the highest levels first in Lombardy and then all over the world.

Moto ancillotti Motorcycles made in italy firenze marchio storico fiorentino moto cross enduro competizione regolarità dal 1965  modello scarab 125 cc. elaborazione polini piero bergamo lombardia
Concessionaria Fratelli Polini bergamo 1968  Moto  scarab 50 cc. e  125 cc. ancillotti motorcycles made in italy firenze marchio storico dal 1965 brand italiano  moto cross enduro competizione since 1905

In the photo we can see an Ancillotti Scarab 50 c.c. Cross in the Official Dealer of Alzano Lombardo, the Polini Brothers. Since 1968, and for several years, the collaboration between Ancillotti and Polini has been very fruitful. In 1972, after numerous successes the Polini Brothers (Piero, Carlo and Franco) became the official Ancillotti dealers for Lombardy and also the official reference trainers. They created a parallel course department and an Ancillotti team in Alzano Lombardo, Bergamo at the Polini Workshop.

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Ancillotti is an Italian brand listed by the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) in the Special Register of Historical Marks of National Strategic Interest under numbers 29-126-128-402-732.



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